Kaunas region Neveronys gymnasium
Kaunas region Neveronys gymnasium is located near the second largest city of Lithuania, Kaunas. There are about 400 students of various ages from 5 to 19 years old: students of pre-primary, primary and secondary education. The principal is Danguolė Marmienė. There are two vice principals, 1 expert teacher, 11 supervisor teachers, 18 superior teachers, 13 teachers, 9 inclusion specialists. A lot of attention is paid to create a safe and healthy environment for students. Many various health strengthening activities are held here. The school is eco-friendly and participates in all eco projects too. It has won 13 green flags for these projects. Furthermore, the community of our school takes part in various projects, preventive, recreative and social skills programs. There is a full day school where primary students can stay at school till evening.
There are various extra curriculum clubssuch as basketball, football, folk and sport dances, pop choirs, art, drama and etc. Students and teachers participate in Erasmus projects as well. There are various festivals at our school that are annual and traditional: Halloween, Pancakes’ Day, 100 days left till the end of the school, the Last Bell, sports events, St. Valentine’s Day, Christmas and Independence Day’s concerts. Students take part in various contests of different subjects, republican contests as "Kengūra", "Olympis", "Kings", "Pangea", "Bebras". Furthermore, we actively cooperate with various community organizations: Lithuanian youth and children’s centre (LVJC), the public institution "Lithuanian Juniors’ Achievement", Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas cultural centre "Tautos namai" ("The House of the Nation"), Neveronys community center, Neveronys cultural centre and etc.
Tel. number (+370-37) 375889
E-mail address: neveronys@gmail.com
Adress: Keramikų g. 98, Pabiržio k., Neveronių sen., Kauno r. sav. LT-54477